Monday, September 14, 2020

AMI: Step 8: Advance Metering Infrastructure of Capability Activation Group (AMICAG)

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Advanced Metering Infrastructure -> Basic Settings -> Define Activation Groups for AMI Capabilities
  2. The purpose of this configuration is to define activation group that can be used to activate or deactivate AMI capabilities of a meter independently of the capabilities of the corresponding AMS (Advanced Metering System) and AMCG (Advanced Meter Capability Group). This is an optional field on meter.
  3. Enter "Activation Group Name" and its description.
  4. Select "AMI Capabilities for Activation Group". Assign AMI capabilities to the activation group
  5. Note: AMS and AMCG must support the capabilities as well if you need to turn on the capabilities in activation group.

Friday, August 14, 2020

AMI: Step 7: Determination Group of Advance Meter Capability Group (AMCG DG)

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Advanced Metering Infrastructure -> Basic Settings -> Define Advanced Meter Capabilities
  2. Select "Determination Group of Advance Meter Capability Group (AMCG DG)". The purpose of this configuration is to determine advance meter capability group. It is assigned to device category, and if default AMCG is selected, it will be assigned to AMI meter during meter creation.
  3. Enter "Advance Meter Capability Group Determination Group Name" and its description.
  4. Select "Advance Meter Capability Group of a Determination Group (AMCG DG)". Assign "Advance Meter Capability Group (AMCG)" to this determination group.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

AMI: Step 6: Capability Group of Device (AMCG)

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Advanced Metering Infrastructure -> Basic Settings -> Define Advanced Meter Capabilities
  2. The purpose of this configuration is to group functions of a device
  3. Select "Capability Group for Device". Enter "Advance Meter Capability Group" (AMCG) Number and its description
  4. Select "Capabilities of Device". Assign "Advance Meter Capabilities" to this device.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

AMI: Step 5: Advanced Metering System of a Determination Group (AMS DG)

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Advanced Metering Infrastructure -> Basic Settings -> Define Advanced Meter Capabilities
  2. Select "Advanced Metering System Determination Group". The purpose of this configuration is to group AMS system, this determination group is assigned to device category, if default AMS is selected, it will be assigned to AMI meter during meter creation.
  3. Enter "AMS Determination Group Name" and its description.
  4. Select "Advanced Metering System of a Determination Group". Assign AMS to "AMS Determination Group".

Sunday, June 14, 2020

AMI: Step 4: Advance Metering System (AMS)

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Advanced Metering Infrastructure -> Basic Settings -> Define Advanced Meter Capabilities
  2. Select "Advanced Metering System". The purpose of this configuration is to define system that AMI meter is connected in the advanced metering infrastructure.
  3. Enter AMS system name, validity date, description of the AMS system, MDUS that it is communicating to, and the capability group of AMS

Thursday, May 14, 2020

AMI: Step 3: Capability Group of Advanced Metering System (AMS CG)

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Advanced Metering Infrastructure -> Basic Settings -> Define Advanced Meter Capabilities
  2. Select Capability Group of Advanced Metering System. The purpose of this configuration is to group of functions of an advanced metering system.
  3. Enter "Capability Group Number" and its description
  4. Select "Capabilities of Advanced Metering System", after that, assign capabilities into this group.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

AMI: Step 2: Meter Data Unification & Synchronization (MDUS)

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Advanced Metering Infrastructure -> Basic Settings -> Define Advanced Meter Capabilities
  2. Select "Meter Data Unification & Synchronization", enter MDUS system name. MDUS system is an interface between advanced metering systems and the SAP system.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

AMI: Step 1: Advanced Meter Capabilities

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Advanced Metering Infrastructure -> Basic Settings -> Define Advanced Meter Capabilities
  2. SAP predefined the following advanced meter capabilities:
    1. Remote disconnection
    2. Remote reconnection
    3. Remote meter reading
    4. Manual meter reading using AMS
    5. On-demand meter reading
    6. Request operational state
    7. Receive message
  3. If AMS-Rel. is checked, this capability will be available when configuring Capability Group of Advanced Metering System
  4. If AMCG-Rel. is checked, this capability will be available when configuring Capabilities of Device
  5. Use 9000-9999 for custom entries

Sunday, February 23, 2020


TABLES XT_PATH drives the sequence of FM "ISU_STRUCTURE_READ" retrieve data. The following table lists pre-defined sequence of tables supported by SAP to retrieve data from. Whenever this function module is called, the corresponding internal table listed in TABFROM field of the first record must contain the keys for data retrieval.

BCONT      EKUN           
EABL       EABLG          
EABL       ETDZ           
EABLG      EABL           
EABP       EABP           
EABP       EVER           
EADZ       EASTS          
EADZ       ETDZ           
EANL       EASTL          
EANL       EASTS          
EANL       ETTIF          
EANL       EVBS           
EANL       EVER           
EANL       TE422          
EASTI      EASTI          
EASTI      EASTIH         
EASTI      ETDZ           
EASTIH     EASTI          
EASTL      EANL           
EASTL      EGER           
EASTS      EADZ           
EASTS      EANL           
EASTS      ETDZ           
EAUS       EAUSV          
EAUS       FKKVKP         
EAUSV      EAUS           
EAUSV      EVER           
EEIN       EEINV          
EEIN       FKKVKP         
EEINV      EEIN           
EEINV      EVER           
EGER       EASTL          
EGER       EGPL           
EGER       ETDZ           
EGER       EZUZ           
EGPL       EGER           
EGPL       EHAU           
EGPL       EVBS           
EHAU       EGPL           
EHAU       EVBS           
EKUN       BCONT          
EKUN       FKKVKP         
ETDZ       EABL       0    All Meter Readings with status "0"
ETDZ       EABL       1    All Meter Readings with status <> "0"
ETDZ       EADZ           
ETDZ       EASTI          
ETDZ       EASTS          
ETDZ       EGER           
ETDZ       EZUZ           
ETINS      EVBS           
ETTIF      EANL           
EVBS       EANL           
EVBS       EGPL           
EVBS       EHAU           
EVBS       ETINS          
EVER       EABP           
EVER       EANL           
EVER       EAUSV          
EVER       EEINV          
EVER       FKKVKP         
EZUZ       EGER           
EZUZ       ETDZ           
FKKVKP     EAUS           
FKKVKP     EEIN           
FKKVKP     EKUN           
FKKVKP     EVER           
TE420      TE422          
TE422      EANL           
TE422      TE420