Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Billing: Create Custom Outsort Check (Part 2)

  1. Create custom function module starts with ISU_VAL_<Biling Validation Name>  with the following parameters:
    • Importing
      • X_TE327                LIKE TE327
    • Changing 
      • XY_OBJ                 TYPE ISU2A_BILLING_DATA
    • Exceptions
  2. Validation parameters are set in X_TE327
  3. Call FM 'ISU_OUTSORT_IERCHO_WRITE' if needed to outsort the billing document
  4. Please refer to the following on how to configure outsorting check groups for billing:

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Billing: Create Custom Outsort Check (Part 1)

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Tools -> System Modifications -> User-Defined Enhancements for Billing -> Define Check List for Billing
  2. Enter new billing validation name, and text for the parameters

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Unbilled Revenue: Tips 1: 020 (EBW) Update group not entered in billing document &1


  1. Simulated bill is billed successfully AND
  2. Simulated bill data not found in Step 5 AND
  3. Reversal of simulated bill data is found in Step 5

SAP is expecting Update Group is populated when comes to simulation for Unbilled Revenue (Even if "Initial Update Group Is Allowed" is set to 'X')

Unbilled Revenue: Prerequisites 2: Update Group Determination