Friday, May 26, 2017

Collection Strategy: BRF: Option 2: Step 3: Create Event

  1. Right click at "Events" node, click "New Event".
  2. Enter the event name, this will be configured in Collection Strategy.
  3. Implementing Class: 0FICAEVENT
  4. Controller Class: CL_FKK_BRF_EVENT
  5. After that, click "Save" button.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Billing: Adjustment Reversal: EA21

Adjustment reversal is used to reverse a billing document without having to reverse the corresponding print document.
  1. First Billing Document - 1/20/2016 
  2. Second Billing Document - 2/20/2016
  3. Third Billing Document - 3/20/2016
Correction is needed for second bill but you don't want to reverse print document.

  1. Go to transaction code EA21,
  2. Enter Third Bill and Second Bill to create billing orders for adjustment reversal.
  3. Correct billing related data such as installation facts and/or meter readings
  4. Re-bill and re-invoice the customer.
  1. Only single adjustment reversal is permitted unless enhancement EBIA0029 is implemented.
  2. "Reverse Billing" indicator represents dynamic billing reversal, if billing document has not been invoiced, SAP will execute standard reversal (full reversal) instead of adjustment reversal.
  3. "Always Completely Reverse Inst. Groups" indicates that all billing documents within same installation group will be reversed. 
  1. SAP will create billing orders in table ETRG with the field " in adj. rev."(SC_BELNR) populated with billing documents entered in step 2 for the same bill period.
  2. Original billing documents and print documents will no longer visible via ES32 (Display Installation), although original print document still valid in the system.
  3. In the original billing document
    1. Reversal Date is populated (Considered as reversed)
    2. "Billing Doc No" fild (ERCH-SC_BELNR_N) is populated with new billing document number.
  4. In the new billing document (difference bill)
    1. Original billing document is populated to document header's " in adj. rev." field (ERCH-SC_BELNR_H).
    2. The line items from original billing documents will appear as negation values 
    3. These line items will have the original billing document number populated to the field " in adj. rev." (DBERCHZ4-SC_BELNR)