Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Billing: Define Checks per Outsorting Check Group for Billing

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Contract Billing -> Billing Execution -> Outsorting for Billing -> Define Checks per Outsorting Check Group for Billing
  2. Enter configuration details:
  3. Explanation:
    Field Name
    Outsort. Chk grp
    Name of the Outsorting Check Group
    Billing Trans.
    01           Periodic Billing (01)
    02           Interim Billing (02)
    03           Final Billing for Move-Out (03)
    04           Period-End Billing (04)
    05           Service Territory Transfer (05)
    06           Manual Credit Memo/Backbilling (06)
    07           Contract Change (07)
    08           Customer change (08)
    Consecutive no.
    Consecutive number of checking per billing transaction
    Mass Simulation
                    No Restrictions
    1              Do Not Carry Out Check in Mass Simulation
    2              Only Carry Out Check in Mass Simulation
    Bill. Validation
    Refer to Value Table TE007
    Parameters 1 to 4
    Parameters for outsorting validation, these parameters behave differently per validation, typically used as range of amount to be validated
    Parameter 5
    Parameter for outsorting validation, this parameter accepts characters input
    Description of the outsorting check group defined.
  4. This outsort check group can then be assigned to contract.