Friday, April 15, 2016

AMI: Define Status Codes

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Advanced Metering Infrastructure -> Basic Settings -> Define Status Codes
  2. The purpose of status codes are used for operational state request.
  3. SAP predefined the following status codes:
    1. Overall Status
    2. Communication Status
    3. Disconnection Status

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Billing: Variant: IF12

IF12 is used to check current billing run equals or not equals to the following scenario:

  1. Budget Billing Extrapolation
  2. Unbilled Revenue Reporting
  3. Simulation for a period
  4. Billing Simulation for a trigger
  5. Overall Check
  6. Call up Simulation from Billing (QUANTI26)
  7. Customer-Specific Simulation

Friday, April 1, 2016

Billing: Define Line Item Types

  1. Custom line item types are used when:
    1. Custom variant program is created  and default custom line item types are required
    2. As a indicator for bill print to:
      1. Print out description for different charges
      2. Differentiates consumption, demand, highest peak demand in past 12 months 
  2. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Tools -> System Modifications -> User-Defined Enhancements for Billing -> User-Defined Variant Programs -> Define Line Item Types
  3. Add entries:
  4. Explanation:
  5. Field Name
    Line item type to be used in billing configuration
    Description of the line item type
    Typically being set for internally used line item types.
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