Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Billing: Define Checks per Outsorting Check Group for Billing

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Contract Billing -> Billing Execution -> Outsorting for Billing -> Define Checks per Outsorting Check Group for Billing
  2. Enter configuration details:
  3. Explanation:
    Field Name
    Outsort. Chk grp
    Name of the Outsorting Check Group
    Billing Trans.
    01           Periodic Billing (01)
    02           Interim Billing (02)
    03           Final Billing for Move-Out (03)
    04           Period-End Billing (04)
    05           Service Territory Transfer (05)
    06           Manual Credit Memo/Backbilling (06)
    07           Contract Change (07)
    08           Customer change (08)
    Consecutive no.
    Consecutive number of checking per billing transaction
    Mass Simulation
                    No Restrictions
    1              Do Not Carry Out Check in Mass Simulation
    2              Only Carry Out Check in Mass Simulation
    Bill. Validation
    Refer to Value Table TE007
    Parameters 1 to 4
    Parameters for outsorting validation, these parameters behave differently per validation, typically used as range of amount to be validated
    Parameter 5
    Parameter for outsorting validation, this parameter accepts characters input
    Description of the outsorting check group defined.
  4. This outsort check group can then be assigned to contract.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Billing: Define Outsorting Check Groups for Billing

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Contract Billing -> Billing Execution -> Outsorting for Billing -> Define Outsorting Check Groups for Billing
  2. Enter Outsorting Check Group Name and its Text (Description)

Friday, August 12, 2016

Invoicing: Define Manual Bill Outsorting for Invoicing

  1. SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Invoicing -> Invoice Processing -> Outsorting for Invoicing -> Define Manual Bill Outsorting for Invoicing
  2. Enter the reason for manual bill outsorting for invoicing, description, number of manual outsorting, outsorting for invoice or bill printing.
  3. Explanation:
    Field Name
    Man. OS inv
    Reason for Manual Outsorting Invoice
    Description of the manual outsorting invoice
    No. man.OS
    Number of manual outsort, this will be the default number of outsortings upon entering the reason for manual outsorting invoice. The number of outsortings will be reduced whenever the contract account gets invoiced.
    OutSrt. Invoic.
    Indicates that this is an outsorting for Invoicing
    OutSrt. Print.
    Indicates that this is an outsorting for Bill Printing

Sunday, May 15, 2016

AMI: Define External VEE Codes

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Advanced Metering Infrastructure -> Basic Settings -> Define External VEE Codes
  2. Enter VEE Code and its description.
  3. VEE stands for Validation, Estimation, Editing of register read or interval data in external system. 
  4. This is assigned at register level.
  5. In SAP, VEE code is for information only and is not used for meter readings validation.
  6. VEE codes defined here should correspond to the codes used in external system. 

Friday, April 15, 2016

AMI: Define Status Codes

  1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Advanced Metering Infrastructure -> Basic Settings -> Define Status Codes
  2. The purpose of status codes are used for operational state request.
  3. SAP predefined the following status codes:
    1. Overall Status
    2. Communication Status
    3. Disconnection Status

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Billing: Variant: IF12

IF12 is used to check current billing run equals or not equals to the following scenario:

  1. Budget Billing Extrapolation
  2. Unbilled Revenue Reporting
  3. Simulation for a period
  4. Billing Simulation for a trigger
  5. Overall Check
  6. Call up Simulation from Billing (QUANTI26)
  7. Customer-Specific Simulation

Friday, April 1, 2016

Billing: Define Line Item Types

  1. Custom line item types are used when:
    1. Custom variant program is created  and default custom line item types are required
    2. As a indicator for bill print to:
      1. Print out description for different charges
      2. Differentiates consumption, demand, highest peak demand in past 12 months 
  2. Go to SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Tools -> System Modifications -> User-Defined Enhancements for Billing -> User-Defined Variant Programs -> Define Line Item Types
  3. Add entries:
  4. Explanation:
  5. Field Name
    Line item type to be used in billing configuration
    Description of the line item type
    Typically being set for internally used line item types.
    Do not archive document line

Friday, March 11, 2016


    client               =
message              =
*   MESSAGE_LEN          = 0
*   CUT_BLANKS           = ' '
*   USER_NOT_FOUND       = 1
*   OTHERS               = 2
1.  CLIENT => Client ID 
2.  USER => User name 
3.  MESSAGE => Message to be delivered to the user 

Message Sent

Message Delivered