Saturday, May 28, 2011

Request Protection Function in SE10

You can protect your request to avoid other people to add more users. You can go to Request/task -> Request -> Protect to do so, alternatively you can right click on your request and then choose protect or use function key Ctrl + F2

To remove the protection, choose Remove Protection.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How to assign Shop Paper?

1. Go to SPRO -> SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> Plant Maintenance and Customer Service -> Maintenance and Service Processing -> Basic Settings -> Print Control -> Define Shop Papers, Forms and Output Programs.

2. Choose Assign Permitted Shop Papers

3. Choose Work Area "N" (Notification (PM/QM..))

4. You will find the Document Type = Notification Type, Shop Paper Name, Selection Text for Shop Paper and Selected Indicator.

Maintenance View: V_T390_O [Shop Papers Allowed by Order Type or NotifType]
Tables: T390_O [PM: Shop paper control by order type],
T390 [PM: Shop papers for print control],
T390_OT [Description of shop papers per document type selection],

Monday, May 16, 2011

Document Type

The document type classifies the accounting documents. It is stored in the document header.

Attributes that control the entry of the document, or which are they noted in the document, are defined for each document type. In particular, the number range assigned to the associated documents is defined on the basis of the document type.
Extraction from SAP.

Normally, field name for document type is BLART.