Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Collection Strategy: BRF: Option 2: Step 4: Create First Action to Obtain Context

  1. Right click on "Actions" node, select "New Action".
  2. Enter Action Name
  3. Enter Short Text Name
  4. Add Implementing Class: 0FICAIN001. 

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Billing:Delete Adjustment Reversal Document Number from Billing Order: EA24

This transaction is used to cancel a reversal adjustment billing orders.


  1. Reverse the new print document and corresponding new billing document resulted from adjustment reversal (difference bill). 
  2. Reverse the corresponding print document of the original billing document of adjustment reversal (the billing documents are stated in ETRG-SC_BELNR). 
  3. Enter the billing document numbers (original billing documents) of the adjustment reversal from the billing order and hit execute buttons.
  4. Re-bill and re-invoice to generate new billing documents and new print documents that should have same result as original billing documents and original print documents.

  1. When step 1 is executed, original billing document's new billing document number (ERCH-SC_BELNR_N) field is cleared as well. 
  2. But the billing document number for adjustment reversal (ERCH-SC_BELNR_H) on the reversed new billing document remains intact.
  3. When step 3 is executed, the adjustment reversal document number (ETRG-SC_BELNR) from billing orders will be cleared. And these new billing orders are ready to be billed to generate normal bill instead of difference bill.


  1. Print document of the billing documents stated in (ETRG-SC_BELNR) must be reversed in order to delete adjustment reversal billing document from billing orders. Thus, be careful when using EA21 to create adjustment reversal.