Friday, August 12, 2016

Invoicing: Define Manual Bill Outsorting for Invoicing

  1. SPRO -> SAP Utilities -> Invoicing -> Invoice Processing -> Outsorting for Invoicing -> Define Manual Bill Outsorting for Invoicing
  2. Enter the reason for manual bill outsorting for invoicing, description, number of manual outsorting, outsorting for invoice or bill printing.
  3. Explanation:
    Field Name
    Man. OS inv
    Reason for Manual Outsorting Invoice
    Description of the manual outsorting invoice
    No. man.OS
    Number of manual outsort, this will be the default number of outsortings upon entering the reason for manual outsorting invoice. The number of outsortings will be reduced whenever the contract account gets invoiced.
    OutSrt. Invoic.
    Indicates that this is an outsorting for Invoicing
    OutSrt. Print.
    Indicates that this is an outsorting for Bill Printing